ChatGPT - Free Version
Assessment and Feedback, Brainstorming, Capturing, Communication, Content Creation, Data Analysis, Peer Assessment, Problem Solving, Programming, Reference Management, Wiki
Accessible Learning, Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Experiential, Extended Reality, Gamification, Interactive Learning, Micro Learning, Online Learning, Peer Learning, Project-Based Learning, Research
Free/Open Access, Free/Subscription Required
No Integration
Browser-based, Mobile-friendly, Synchronous
Vendor Support
Assessment and Feedback, Brainstorming, Collaboration, Communication, Open Discussion, Peer Assessment, Video Creation and Streaming
Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Interactive Learning, Online Learning, Peer Learning
Available to Queen's
LMS Integration
Asynchronous, Browser-based, Mobile-friendly
Queen's Support
Audience Response, Brainstorming, Collaboration, Communication, Content Creation, Course Authoring, Design, Drawing, Mind Mapping
Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Experiential, Interactive Learning, Online Learning, Research
Free for Educators
No Integration
Asynchronous, Browser-based, Desktop app, Mobile app, Mobile-friendly, Offline, Synchronous
Vendor Support
Brainstorming, Collaboration, Curation, Mind Mapping, Open Discussion
Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Interactive Learning, Online Learning, Peer Learning
Free for Educators
Embed Code
Asynchronous, Browser-based, Mobile app, Mobile-friendly, Synchronous
Vendor Support
Brainstorming, Collaboration, Curation, Mind Mapping, Note Taking, Reading
Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Interactive Learning, Online Learning, Peer Learning
Available to Queen's
No Integration
Asynchronous, Browser-based, Desktop app, Mobile app, Mobile-friendly, Synchronous
Vendor Support
Brainstorming, Collaboration, Curation, Mind Mapping, Open Discussion
Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Interactive Learning, Online Learning, Peer Learning
Free/Subscription Required
Embed Code
Asynchronous, Browser-based, Mobile-friendly, Synchronous
Vendor Support
Brainstorming, Collaboration, Curation, Mind Mapping, Open Discussion
Accessible Learning, Blended Learning, Interactive Learning, Online Learning
Available to Queen's
LMS Integration
Asynchronous, Mobile-friendly
Queen's Support
Poll Everywhere
Assessment and Feedback, Audience Response, Brainstorming, Collaboration, Course Management, Data Analysis, Mind Mapping
Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Gamification, Interactive Learning, Micro Learning, Online Learning, Peer Learning, Project-Based Learning, Research
Free/Subscription Required, Student license must be purchased
LMS Integration
Asynchronous, Browser-based, Desktop app, Mobile app, Mobile-friendly, Synchronous
Vendor Support
Assessment and Feedback, Audience Response, Brainstorming, Communication, Open Discussion
Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Gamification, Interactive Learning, Online Learning
Available to Queen's, Available to Queen's Faculty/Staff, Faculty-specific Availability, Free/Open Access
No Integration
Asynchronous, Browser-based, Mobile-friendly, Offline, Synchronous
Queen's Support