ENSC 330 Applications of Sustainability Units: 3.00
Applications of sustainability are used to address environmental problems and develop solutions in areas from resource management to regional planning. Emphasis will be on multidisciplinary approaches in research and communications. Methods and indicators for sustainability assessment will be critically examined using case studies and considering expected outcomes.
Learning Hours: 132 (24 Lecture, 12 Tutorial, 12 Group Learning, 36 Online Activity, 12 Off-Campus Activity, 36 Private Study)
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Be able to work effectively and collegially in an interdisciplinary team.
- Evaluate sustainability initiatives through application of indicators and monitoring.
- Link the main concepts of sustainability (integration, equity, efficiency, precaution, scale, etc.) to a practical proposal dealing with a current topic.
- Understand and be able to apply leading edge concepts and theory related to sustainability to research and practice.
- Understand the role (potential role) of government, private sector and civil society in advancing sustainability.